
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Blog About Vegan Pregnancy

I am also the author of All You Eat is Vegetables, a blog dedicated to how to be a vegan in a practical and inexpensive way. I started the blog as a single college student living in Hawaii (a place where most never even heard the word vegan), in hopes of educating people on what is veganism.
It was just Penny and me... its Michael, Penny, Zoey, soon-to-be son, and me!
At first, my blog was just about what I cooked for myself. Then I got a cat. Then another cat. Then a boyfriend. Then I graduated and moved to California with my boyfriend. Then we rented his grandparents' old house and started to make a life together. Then we found out are we pregnant and got married! Within a two years I went from a lost little girl on an island to married and expecting women! So rather than bombard my other blog with baby stuff, I decided to make a separate one. I am still posting recipes on my other one so check it as well. This blog is dedicated to my experience as pregnant vegan and raising my child.

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